Hygiene Maintenance

Being proactive about your dental health means establishing a healthy lifestyle overall. Your home hygiene habits and a balanced diet, combined with regular visits to the dentist, are important factors in your quest to avoid cavities, gum disease, and enamel wear--so that your teeth will last a lifetime. At Epic Dentistry, we give you the tools you need for a healthy lifestyle and help simplify your hygiene routine, so it’s just that—routine. 

According to recent studies, more than a third of Americans don’t visit the dentist on an annual basis. We have seen that this not only leads to an increased risk for oral infection but also places you at risk for a variety of other health issues. At Epic Dentistry we encourage our patients to follow the ADA recommendation for a healthy adult which calls for re-care every six months. We are happy to help develop a re-care program that fits your hygiene needs to get you back on track! 

Take a look at the hygiene services we provide:

Cleanings & Exams

Hygiene Maintenance Improves Your Oral & Overall Health

Good oral health is important regardless of how old you are and as people age, their risk for an oral infection increases. This is in part because, as teeth age, the protective enamel starts to wear away, and it can become easier to get a cavity. The best way to combat this is by brushing and flossing throughout the day in addition to visiting the dentist on a regular basis. 

We offer flexible appointment times so that you can schedule an appointment around your work or family schedule, making it easier than ever to get your teeth cleaned. You can book online any time, or call us at 303-972-2224 and one of our friendly team members will be happy to assist you. 

Gum Disease Treatment

Alleviate Swollen, Bleeding Gums & Prevent Bone and Tooth Loss

Gum disease is a condition that is incredibly common; in fact, most adults will suffer from some form of gum disease during their lifetime. The challenge is that this condition can lead to bone and tooth loss, making it incredibly important to both prevent and treat it. 

The single most important factor in preventing gum disease is to establish a re-care program with your hygienist. Brushing and flossing alone will not remove all the plaque build-up on your teeth. But if the disease is caught early (when it is gingivitis), and no damage has been done to the supporting structures under the teeth, a professional cleaning may be all you need. If you think you may have gum disease, it is important to schedule a cleaning and exam as a first step. The team at Epic Dentistry will assess any treatment needs and help you get on track with a personalized re-care program to keep your teeth for life!

Oral Cancer Screening

Visual Aids for Cancer Screening Give You Peace of Mind

Historically, most individuals diagnosed with oral cancer were over 40 and/or tobacco users. However, the risk factors associated with oral cancers are changing and impacting a wider range of ages and backgrounds.

At Epic Dentistry, we screen every patient as part of our standard hygiene exam to look for signs of cancer or precancerous conditions. Oral cancer is an ideal cancer to identify early through screening because it is generally preceded by an identifiable pre-malignant lesion and the progression from dysplasia occurs over a period of several years. 

To aid us in oral cancer detection we use the VELscope® Vx Enhanced Oral Assessment System and OralID. These wireless, handheld scopes use fluorescence technology to enhance visualization of oral mucosal abnormalities that are not visible to the naked eye, that suggest oral cancer and pre-cancer may be present. With early detection there is a high chance for full recovery.

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